The Younger Crowd

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Meet Mike and Linley:

As I walked past them they were both very friendly and happy.  Lindley must have been sending out signals.  She is also a photographer!  Well, she is going to school to develop (no pun intended) a career in photography.  Mike is a singer in a punk rock band.  I think I said something stupid like, "do you do any Simon and Garfunkel?"  The attempt at humor may have been lost.  But, they were delightful and charming.

They had met friends at the bike show.   So, meet their friends:  Matt and Megan!

Megan is a nursing assistant.  Matt is the proud owner of the bike he is standing against.  The WWJCD stands for, "What Would Johnny Cash Do?"  Funny!

Finally, these two deserved a photo.  I didn't get their names.  But, she was walking around in the evening dress and parasol. He was walking on stilts with a burlap bag on his head!

They were attracting quite a crowd!

My thanks to you all!
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