Taking to the Air

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I had the chance to take a ride on a vintage aircraft.  Since I don't know a lot about the aviation industry, except the generally nasty experiences of TSA lines and feeling a lot like a cow in a herd, this gave me the opportunity to get into a smaller plane.

Meet the plane!

And, my very delightful and fun, pilot.  Yeh....that's about as much as I saw of him.  But, he WAS busy.  Seriously, he has have a great time flying.  And, he ended up leading a few fly-by's over the airport with our formation.  It was quite cool!

There were 6 or 7 planes similar to ours and we took off in a serial fashion.  At least, from what I could tell.   We were in the front and it was a bit difficult to turn around.

But, I did like looking over my left shoulder and seeing this!

I could see a similar plane over my right shoulder.  But, I couldn't turn around well enough to get a good photo of it.  I was...shall we say..seriously strapped in!

The gauges!  I spent a little time studying them.  I really hate running out of gas. 

We all landed without incident.  And, the entire flight took about 45 minutes.  I believe I suggested a quick trip to Paris.  But, we didn't quite get that far.

All in all, it was a great experience.   I thought about getting my pilot's license.  But, I have enough bad habits as it is. 

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