Manly Men of the Road

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When I wander around at events like this, I am always looking for someone that strikes my interest.

Meet Dillon!

The pipe got my attention!  He  is a Norwegian who has decided to travel around for a while.  He basically is a touring biker!  Thanks for stopping in Minneapolis!

The guys below cracked me up.  They were just leaning against the wall and not saying much to one another.  But, the sign between them caught my eye.

Meet Skip and Cory!

They were pretty funny guys.  When I asked about them and what I could include in the blog, they said, "nothing".  I countered with, "come on..SOMETHING."

It turns out Cory is a stay at home dad. They have been friends for a while.  And, they build bikes.  When I asked if they had any bikes on display, they pointed straight out from where they were sitting.

Meet one of their bikes.  AWESOME.

I am not sure the photos do the bike justice.  It was spectacular!

Thanks guys!   Ride safely!
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