Julie and Friends

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This group was listening to the band and having a wonderful time.  I finally had to approach them and ask if they were related, work associates, or just friends. 

Meet Julie and friends!

I tried to get everyone's names. But, I know I wasn't successful.  Julie is in front.  And, I believe Dave is in the white shirt.  Fred is between Julie and Dave.  Just behind Julie is Jim.  And, Paul is the very distinquished looking gentleman on the left.  I could, of course, be wrong.

I believe I am missing the names of the woman in the upper left and the gentleman in the upper right.  If someone would send me an email validating the names, in order, I will update this post!

Here is another shot of the two I believe whose names I am missing:

But, this group was wonderful.   They were having so much fun.  I had to smile when I observed them.

Thanks all!  Julie, that's a fine posse you have there!

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