Race for the Cure: Nashville" Family and Friends

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Normally as I walk around, I am the person asking to take someone's photo.  I was delighted at this event when two different groups of people asked me to take their photos. 
It was my sincere pleasure to help both groups celebrate this event.
Meet Group 1:  (I really need to be more creative with group names!)
Front row: left to right:  Joyce (purple coat), Rudy, Toledo (in the pink wig), and Corsica.
Second row: left to right:  Melissa, Ben, Bobby, Dot, and Terrell.  My apologies to the group if I got someone's name out of order!

Terrell asked whether I would take a photo of him and his artwork.  He has a number of beautiful pieces on display.

This group was walking to celebrate Joyce's surviving.  She was just eight weeks out of surgery.
My sincere thanks to all of you.  And, thank you for your kindness in asking me to take your photos.

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