A Hero

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I saved this image for today because I think it is one of the best I have taken.  I suppose it isn't better technically  than the others.  But, this image has a story.  Can you hear the story by looking at the photo?

Meet Harold!

Harold is, as he told me, 89.25 years old.  I smiled.  He was being pushed around in a wheel chair.  But, he got up now and then to look at a bike.  The person with him told me that Harold loved riding.  And, just last year, he had to give up his trike.

If you look closely at the left side of his hat (his left side, the right side of the image), you can see a vertical red stripe surrounded by a rectangular gold colored cloth.  That is, I believe, a WW2 Victory Medal.

Harold was a Marine during WW2.  He was one of the world's greatest generation.  

It was an honor to chat with him, to take his photo, and to shake his hand.  

My sincere thanks Harold.   I stand in awe of you...and your entire generation.

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