Indian Motorcycles

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OK, this isn't about Indian motorcycles.   This is about two of the people who were working in the Indian Motorcycle store at the bike show!  They were pretty swamped with people buying sweatshirts, hats, pins, etc.

But, they were gracious enough to take a minute or two for the photo and some conversation.

Meet Lori:

Lori and I hit it off right away.  She is also a photographer and we had cameras to discuss!  I believe she said she had the same camera I was using!

Meet Al:

I liked two things about Al.  First, he has long flowing hair, just like me!  Well, for those of you who know me, that COULD be a bit of sarcasm at my expense.   Second, he was PASSIONATE about Indian motorcycles and has a little problem collecting them.  I was an encyclopedia of knowledge about these classic bikes.

My sincere thanks to you both!
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