Linda Machado

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I met Linda Machado at my book signing in Phoenix last month. Here is a beautiful email that she sent to me:

"Flamenco dance is a powerful, passionate, improvisational art form that allows me to explore my individuality, sharpen my creativity and keep in shape.  I started dancing when I was 40 and never stopped.  Flamenco dance is great for balance, coordination, bone density, muscle toning and cardio � things we need to be concerned with as aging women.  Plus the costumes are incredibly fun!

While I may be a bit �young� at 62, I consider myself an �Advanced Style Apprentice�, learning from those older than me and inspiring those my age and younger.  And with mentors such as the Advanced Style Women and heroes such as you, I am more excited about the next 40 years than I was when I was younger! "
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