RIP Gladys

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I know it is Valentines Day.  But, today we celebrated the life, and grieved over the death of, my aunt Gladys.  Sadly, I do not have a photo of her.  I spent about an hour digging through older photographs hoping that I had one. 

She was my father's last surving sibling.  She will be missed.

She was always kind and compassionate.  She and her husband had three children.  The youngest was born with severe Down's Syndrome.  They were encouraged to institutionalize him.  It would be easier, they were told. 

But, they didn't.  Instead, they raised him as part of the family.  He lived over 40 years.  But, even more, they didn't stop with just that.  They worried what would happen when they were gone.  So, they started a non-profit group that found group homes and jobs for Down's syndrome adults.  It grew from a few families, to dozens.  And, to this day, I see vans on the street with the name, "RISE".   They are driving those special people to their jobs and homes.  I know that my aunt and uncle were instrumental in starting this.

Well done, Gladys.  Well done.

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