And Now for a Little Perspective

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I do like perspectives.  A person's eye automatically adjusts for distance, focus, lighting, and depth of field.  At least, it does so most of the time reasonably well. 

Camera's don't do this quite as well.

Of course, you can leave the camera on the automatic settings.  That helps.  Or, you can tinker with all the doo-dads and dials and secret stuff where you need to actually read the manual.

I rather like the second approach.

So, here are a few perspectives.

I really like the photo above.  But, the  guard rails sort of get in the way.  And, if you look closely, you can see where I cut out most of the baby carriage against the wall in the back.  You can see the front wheels.  Still, the pillars are pretty cool.

Try getting a photo like this when the place is crowded.  I had to hurry and managed to get a couple of shots.  This was the better of two. 

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