Young Love

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I was in St.  Louis in March and ended up at a park one warm, and sunny, Sunday morning.   I did a few photos of various things that may come in handy later.  But, I took a few that I thought would be fun for the blog.

Meet Daniel and his girl friend.

Before anyone asks...YES, I did ask them BEFORE taking the photo!  I noticed them sitting quietly on a park bench.  They were very involved in the conversation. 

I apologized for the interruption.  Told them about the blog and asked whether I could take a photo of them together from behind!   I took two images.  The first was a bit over exposed and washed out with the woman's white shirt.   This was the better of the two.

I sent it to Daniel for them to share as they wished.  And, I emailed them when I knew the posting date.

Daniel, my sincere thanks for letting me interrupt the both of you.   I thinnk it is a wonderful image.

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