Memorial Day: 2013

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During my travels, I was asked to do a few photos as a favor for someone.  While doing them, I took these for myself.

It occured to me that WW I was the war to end all wars.  How have we learned so little? 

I want to say "may we never forget".  But, I wonder how many times people have stopped in the last 10 years and wondered about William Austin, Floyd Monroe, Percy Watson, Arthur Joquel, Charles Herpst, Lloyd Boutwell, Oscar Huerner, Henry Cornet, Norris Singleton and Armand Baldenweck.  Have we wondered about the lives they left behind, broken by loss.

Pause this day and remember.  It isn't a day of picnics and beer.  It is a day to remember those who paid the ultimate price for freedom.  May we never give up that freedom.  May we fight for it everyday, even when there are those who would take it from us.

"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism".  Speak up.  Fight the good fight. And remember those brave men and women who went before us.
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