Northern Spark: Models

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I was getting ready to wrap up my evening.  I knew I wasn't able to stay up much past midnight.  I am, like 147 yrs old.  About 11:45 PM I started walking back and ran into a group of lovely women, some in very traditional dress.

Meet  Lalita:  She was wearing a Thai dress.  This was one of her first modeling gigs.  I thought she was lovely and graceful.  I spoke briefly with her step-father while I was taking the photos and promised to send him the images once I had them downloaded.  He was happy to get them!

She comes from a family that lost members through both the Japanese invation and from Mao's purges. 

Lalita immigrated here when she was 6.  She graduated with honors from HS and is now in college. 

These were some of the lovely ladies that were modeling with her.

Thank you, ladies!

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