Northern Spark: Shovels and Piles of Sand

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OK....My father was a general contractor.  And, he believed in teaching us how to build things.  By a strange coincidence, that also kept me off the streets at night and out of trouble.  So, I know the business end of a shovel VERY well. 

This exhibit consisted of a couple of piles of sand with people, with shovels, moving the sand from one pile to another....and back.  The key was they were moving VERY VERY VERY VERY slowly.  Did I say SLOWLY?

I had to resist the impulse to grab a shovel and move at least one pile to show them how it was done.  I think it may have been a parody (that is a very big word for a guy like me) of a union job.  :)   Well, maybe not. 

I seriously had to leave or I would have grabbed a shovel.   Seriously.

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