Bloggers Meeting!

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I happened to be in St. Louis this week at the same time as the NRA convention.  I follow a number of blogs of fun, creative, and insightful people.  It just so happens that many of these folks are attending the NRA convention!

I was very excited to get to meet Jay G.  I have not met Jay before.  But, I have read some of his blog.  My very good friend Oleg made sure I was aware of the open invitation to bloggers and blog readers at the Millenium Hotel.

I walked into the hotel, spotted the bar, and walked in.  A crowd was gathered around Jay.   I introduced myself.  And, to my surprise, a mutual friend had warned him about me!  He was hilarious and gracious in spite of the pre-warning!

Meet Jay G the camera buff!

And, Jay G the...well...the....the....object of.... of.....ahhhh...affection?????   I can attest that Jay was sober!  However, I am not certain of Ambulance Driver!

A wonderful time was had by all. It was great getting a chance to meet such creative and fun guys.  Sorry I had to leave early.   But, I have a long day tomorrow.

Thanks guys!
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