Camera Club

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I joined the local camera club somewhat over a year ago to get more exposure (pun intended!!) to others with this hobby and to get out and shoot more.

I don't often get to go to events.  But, the "walk about" caught my eye.   Participants were supposed to meet at a Dunn Bros coffee shop.  So, I was there 5 minutes early.   As was Tom.

Meet Tom!

The event was "full" so by the time I got there, I assumed it would be easy to see 40 people standing around with cameras.  But, there was just Tom...and me.    I checked the meeting details again and realized that great minds do work alike and that Tom and I were at the wrong DB.  We were south.  The correct DB was north.   NEARLY the same street address, just that little difference.  Tom was gracious enough to give me a lift the 6 blocks to the correct location.  And, we had a great time getting to know one another.  He has a managed and owned a couple of galleries around the area.  So, I am hoping to get a chance to visit one soon.


Meet Diane!  Diane is the club president.   This was the first time I had met her and she really loves photography!   We had a great chat about legal aspects of photography and the possibility of arranging a "Meet-Up" with an attorney to talk about common legal issues facing photographers, especially around street photography.  More on that as it develops  (Yes..pun intended AGAIN!)

Thanks Tom and Diane!
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