End of the School Year

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I was asked to join a number of teacher friends to celebrate the end of the school year.  My job:  get there early, get seating arranged for about 12 with the flexibility to add more, and order a few appetizers in preparation for the onslaught.

This young lady was a wonderful.  When I arrived, the bar was almost empty.  She was very helpful in setting up the tables and chairs and taking the preliminary orders.  I even managed some office work on the local wireless connection as she prepared things.

Meet Heather!

Heather was just getting started with her shift but was a bit of a camera enthusiast.  So, she was more than willing to let me take her portrait before it got too busy.

Heather continued to worked hard once the bar filled up.  The 12 people around my table kept her running.  By the time I left, the bar was packed and she was quite busy!

Well done, Heather.  And, thank you for letting me take your photograph!
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