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This couple walked in and sat down next to me as I was about to leave.  I had the nicest chat with them. 

Meet Ron!

He was trying to figure out how I make money taking photos for the blog.  Once he got the idea that I do it for fun, he was quite willing to let me take his photo.  He stated he never looks good in a photo.  But, I beg to disagree!  I really like this image. 

Meet Peggy!

She was a little hesitant.  But, she was encouraging Ron to have his photo taken.  Ron, in turn, encouraged her.  I think it's a great image!

Finally, I think Judy and Peggy are friends.  Judy came over and chatted a bit.  And, Peggy and Ron gently encouraged her to let me take one shot.  I think this is a great image!

My sincere thanks to Ron and Peggy, and to Judy.  You all look fantastic!
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