Out for the Day with the Kids

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On one of my Saturday excursions, I crossed paths with Kelly and her children.  I had been looking for fun and interesting people to photograph.  But, the people I passed were busy, chatting with others, intense with other things.  I could just tell the chemistry wasn't right to intrude. 

I turned to head back to the car and wanted to take a shot of something.  Kelly and the kids walked into the frame.   She was so apologetic and kind!   I had found my portrait!

I explained the blog, gave her a card and she let me take her photograph.  I am sure the kids thought I was nuts.  But, she was most gracious.

Meet Kelly!

I really liked the sun glasses that matched her shirt.  And, the very light hair color was pretty cool!  She was out with her kids giving them a science lesson.  She is, after all, a science teacher!

Thanks Kelly!
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