Coffee Shop Cousins

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I occasionally see the two women below at the local coffee shop.  They are most often engaged in intense conversation about something.  So I don't tend to interupt.

However, earlier this week I ended up sitting next to them.  During a break in their conversation, I introduced myself, the blog, and asked whether I could take their photos.  They were very gracious!

Meet Emily:

Meet Amber:

Emily was studying for finals but taking a break with her cousin Amber.   First, let it be known that Emily was studying advanced hematology. And, she had just completed a few other impressive sounding finals, too!  So, well done!
It seems that the magic number in their family is 11.  They are 11 years apart.  If I caught the story correctly, Amber has a daughter.....and Emily has a daughter...and they are 11 years apart.   And, Emily is 11 years older than Amber's daughter.  So, they meet as a peer support group!
My sincere thanks to you both!
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