Power Rangers...Really!!

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Last weekend I was asked to watch grandkids #1 (the Big D) and #3 (Little H), for about a 24 hr period.  In general, these are wonderful times.  The kids are incredible.  And, I love spending the time with them.  It can also be exhausting!

On Saturday, the Big D was watching TV in the basement when Power Rangers came on.  I hadn't seen him watch this before.  But, he was quite into it.

It occurred to me that many years ago a friend had sent me a sword from Japan.  It was decorative; not sharp.  It took a little while to find it.  But, I told the Big D that I had it and I had to drag it out to show him.

He, of course, wanted to know why I had one. 

This is where grandpa's are at their best.  I told him I used to be a Power Ranger.

He has the coolest grandpa in the world. 

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