Good Food: The Falls Cafe

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I have been feeling under the weather for a few days.  A cold has knocked my on my backside and I had no energy to get out for long.   This was, however, the weekend with LOT's going on around the area.  So there were a plethora of photo opportunities.

Saturday woke to very cool temps and rain.  I really didn't want to stand in the rain for the raptor release.  Water is a little hard on cameras!  And, I didn't need another chilled body!

I was very happy to see a local business expo that was indoors! 

Off I went!

The first table was filled with fresh fruit and desserts.  My kind of place!

Meet Jill:

She is one of the owners of the Falls Cafe.   I used to work in the area and have eaten there often for both business and personal reasons.  The food is wonderful.

She mentioned that there is starting to be a waiting list on Friday and Saturday nights!  So, you may need to call for a reservation.

Thanks Jill!
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