July 4th, 2013

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I typically do not address political issues in my blog.  I sincerely believe we are JUST PEOPLE...and I try hard to focus only on that.  Further, I do not believe I can add anything to the wonderful words others may posted this day.  Others are more eloquent, knowledgeable, and certainly smarter than I.

But, I am angry.   And, I know our country is in trouble.   Our founders came from lands ruled by monarchs.  They knew the danger of a strong, unchecked government.   For that reason, they framed the Constitution of the United States and three branches of government.  Each branch would hold the power to keep the others in check.  The last line of defense would be the courts where laws would be challenged that violate the constitution.

For over more than 200 years, good men and women died for that Constitution.  They died for the freedom to live their lives, and the lives of their children and children's children, in peace as they saw fit.

Today the US places more people in jail, per capita, than any other nation.  This is freedom?   What the hell happened?  We see school officials working with local law enforcement and filing charges again students who assert free speech.   I recall campus protests from my youth against a war.   I recall innocent, unarmed students gunned down at Kent State.  It was important enough for me to make a pilgrimage there and stand where innocent blood was shed. When did standing up for your Constitutional rights become against the law?  What the hell happened?

We see an executive branch of the government with secret courts that stand outside the law.  Hell, we have an Attorney General of the US who openly ignores the law.  Transparency?   Do not insult me with such rhetoric.   The government has lied to the American people.  Key members of the government have lied to Congress during sworn testimony.  The executive branch spies on citizens.  When the government reason for such spying echoes that of the Stasi, something is seriously wrong.  We have lost FREEDOM.  We have LOST what thousands of good men and women died to protect.  

I watch the news today of Egypt and am amazed at the actions of people who are fed up.  What is the spark that ignites into chaos?  What is the spark that ignites into action?   In my youth, it was the slaughter of the innocents at Kent State.

What will it be tomorrow?  What will it be here?

I grieve for America.   I grieve for those that died for freedom only have it taken away by politicians who have no concept of what the constitution means.  I grieve for America because the courts have become politicized to the point where even the basics of the constitution are lost. 

This day....this important day...remember the basics of the US Constitution.  That document was radical for its day.  And, it remains one of the most radical, documents ever written to support freedom. People wrote it from their hearts and histories.  

Read it.  Good, brave people died for it.   Do NOT give it up lightly.

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