Northern Spark: Flying Bats and Cute Ladies!

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Just after the trio of dark and mysterious women left me mesmerized.....I turned to see a giant, flying bat.  Well, it was a large bat and flew when someone peddled the bicycle that was firmly rooted to the ground via gravity.  But, the wings moved up and down when you peddled.  I so need this.

For some reason, a LOT of very attractive women found the bat interesting.   I should have hung around the bat all night.

But, these two lovely ladies were kind enough to let me get a photo of them under the bat.   Meet Phonic and Emma.   OK..I could have an auto spelling correction there.  I am NOT sure it is Phonic.   My apologies if that isn't right.  But, after the three mysterious women 2 minutes before..and these two...I was a little distracted!!

They said they are in constant evolution.   Aren't we all.

My sincere thanks to you both!

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