Love, Age, Beauty, and Hope

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I was rushing to the office last Thursday morning and stopped to grab a quick cup of coffee on the way.  I often see the usual cast of characters.  There is something nice about seeing life continuing in some normal ebb and flow.

But, that morning, someone  new was there.  And, the contrast caught my eye.  I didn't have my camera with me.  So, I simply noticed it, got my coffee and headed to the car.  But, I had to go back.

I put the coffee cup in the car and walked back to introduce myself.

Meet Ava (age 11 months) and her Grandpa.    These two were holding one another and Grandpa was gentle, strong, and beyond beaming.   I asked Ava's mother if they would be back on Friday morning so that I could a photo for the blog.  And, she was kind enough to agree!

So, here they are!  Ava and her proud Grandpa.    I saw age, compassion, love, gentleness, the melting pot, and hope for the future.

I can't think of a better Easter post than this.  Thanks Ava, Grandpa, and Ava's mother.
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