NRA St. Louis: Part 9

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As I was waiting for Oleg to finish a conversation with someone, I spotted this gentleman about 3 aisles away walking toward me.  I actually first noticed his hat.  I like hats.  But, I don't have one like this!  I didn't realize he was wearing a kilt until he got closer!

I waited for him to finish a conversation with someone and asked whether I could take his photograph.  He was very cordial and very willing to take time out of his own day to give me a few minutes.

First, this is a chauffeur's hat from the 1880's.  I commented that it was a conductor's hat.  But, he corrected me.  He had looked a long time for it and he was sporting it in style!  The coat is a tuxedo jacket.  And, the kilt is a Utili Kilt .  This was probably the most unique outfit I saw at the convention.  And, it was pretty cool!  We had a great time chatting about it. He is actually a knife maker from VA and he was with a team of people at a booth. Check out his website here!  The quality of his work is amazing!  I can't believe how intricate the engraving is!  Edmund is clearly an artist. 

It was a sincere pleasure meeting such a gentleman.  And sir, your craftsmanship is amazing.


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