Top Priority: The Crowd

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Top Priority played the Legion.  I haven't been in a Legion for a couple of years.  In fact, the last time I was in this Legion was to hear Scott play.  

I had forgotten how much fun the crowd can be.

Leading off:  Meet Arlene.  I noticed Arlene immediately.  The dance floor wasn't too crowded.  But, this woman can MOVE!  She was fantastic.  The guys were having a hard time keeping up with her. By the way, she's 84! 

I didn't get both names of these young ladies.  But, they were having a GREAT time dancing.  I am not sure they sat down the entire time I was there.  And, I believe they had a steady line of gentlemen asking them to dance!


Finally, it's nice to see a family gathered for a good time!  Meet Jean, Mary, and Marilyn.   Ahhh.  the actual order is, left to right, Marilyn, Jean, and Mary.  Jean and Scott are married!

Thanks to all who let me take their photo! were smok'n out there!
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