Phil: The Guest!

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I work for a large company.  A VERY large company.  And, I am a small cog in a massive wheel.  One of the best things about working for a company like this, is meeting brilliant and passionate people.

Meet Phil.

He is responsible for keeping me out of trouble.  And, he does a heck of a job, I might add.

He travelled to the area for business and was gracious enough to take time out of his schedule to visit with some of us.  So, we made a day of getting into trouble! There is actually photographic evidence of some of the trouble.  But, it will not be posted here!

After a great dinner at Kieren's Irish Pub, we ended up here.

Thanks Phil!   You can visit ANYTIME!  But, next time, stay in a better part of town!  It was dangerous down there after dark!
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