The Raptors: Part 1

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I didn't feel I could ignore the the birds.  

First: the magnificent Great Horned Owl.  When I was younger and guiding canoe trips in the wilderness, I had a favorite spot on a rather desolate lake where a Great Horned Owl nested.  I loved laying on the rocks at night and listening to it.  I am still mesmerized with them.  Because of their feather structure, they are one of the most silent birds in flight.  Deadly.  But, from what I understand, dumb as a door knob. 
I wanted to name my son "Bubo Virginianus" after this owl.  Needless to say, I was overruled.   Great minds always suffer like this.  

My neck used to be able to do this.  But, that was after an unfortunate accident! 

This is a Saw-whet owl.  This little guy was VERY shy and I never got a good photo of him.

Finally, I really like the Barn Owl.  I have never seen one before.   So, I need to let him grace this blog once more.

Next post:  Eagles!
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