Renaissance Fair 1

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While traveling, I am beginning to check for local camera clubs.  This provides me the chance to meet new people with common interests as well as see new venues.  I had the chance to meet a few photographers and attend the local Renaissance Festival on the last trip to St. Louis.

I asked everyone for permission to take their photos.  But in this case, I didn't get their names.  You, as readers, will just need to enjoy!

I saw the sign "SHEEP TOSS" and started to chuckle and knew I had to see what this was about.  This gentleman did not appear to be having a lot of fun managing the sheep...or the kids throwing stuffed sheep for distance! 

This young lady was sitting in the window of her shop listening to a hammer dulcimer. 

And, this sign just cracked me up.  I guess I just liked the idea of the mighty war horse giving pony rides. 

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