AS400 Anyone? Anyone?

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Within the scope of my job, I have the privilege of working with some very smart people.  Now, I've had my hands deep inside a number of Windows systems.  I've even tinkered a bit with Linux, Open BSD, BSD, and a few others. But, I met my match when I ran into the AS400.  Just keeping track of the names is confusing enough for me.  It is commonly known as the AS400, the I Series, the System i, and the i5. 

I have been corrected for my lack of correct terminology a few times by this gentlemen:

Meet Doug. 

Doug is our i5 starship captain.  Today we celebrated his 3 years with the company and he was gracious enough to invite me to his celebratory lunch.  I had to pay for my own lunch.  iSeries guys are like that.

But, he KNOWS this system.  And, he's been a great asset to us.  And, he's cracked me up more than a few times.

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