RSA: Booth Bunnies: Part 1

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Remembering that the RSA conference is heavily oriented to males (my non-scientific survey estimates 75%  of attendees are men), vendors tend to use booth bunnies to attract the delegates and have them pause long enough for a vendor rep to capture them and chat.  But, booth bunnies can take many forms with this nerdy group.  

So, I'm going to tackle this in two or three parts.  

First, the generally non-human booth bunnies!

Who doesn't like sporty cars with power!?

Or LEGO Man (approximately 5' tall!)

More fast cars.  Oh yes, some of the vendors with the cars had female booth bunnies, as well.  I will get to them in the next post.  Remember, this is the generally non-human part!

Considering this is a security conference, what could be more exciting than an machine used for encryption from WWII.   I believe this is the ENIGMA with the cover on.  But, I could be wrong.

Finally, an artist!  OK..I included him in the non-human part by accident.  What impressed me was that this guy took his time.  Look at the details of the eyes!   He was quite excellent!  Of course, I have no artisti ability at all! 

I appear to have deviated a bit from my mission of looking at portraits.  But, I will be back on task tomorrow.  I just wanted to point out that booth bunnies can take many forms.   Something for the men....and ladies...tommorrow!?

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