RSA: The Calm before the Storm

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I traveled last week to the RSA conference in San Francisco.  For those who are unaware of this event, it is one of the largest information security conferences in the world.  This year boasted approximately 23,000 attendees.   The conference is fascinating because it draws people from all over the world.  I heard German, Mandarin ( could have been Cantonese), Polish, French, Hebrew, and many other languages.  

The conference officially kicks off on Tuesday morning, 8:00 AM.  But, the calm before the storm is Monday when several smaller, and longer format meetings can occur. 

I like to get in on Sunday.  Pick up my conference access badge.  And, then relax with a nice dinner.

Meet Charles of BlueStem Brasserie.

The man knows how to make a double vodka tonic. 

And, a little street scene on the walk there.

Thanks Charles!  And, by the way, the food and service were terrific.
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