Vendors and Peers

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I occasionally am invited to an event hosted by vendors in the information security space.  These typically are at a nice restaurant or bar.  They often feature a speaker or two chatting about the market and their products. 

I really enjoy these events, not only for the information I pick up.  But, I get to touch base with friends in the business.  It is an amazingly small world sometimes.

Tonight I was at such an event.

I first met Keith about 8-10 years ago.  He didn't have as much grey hair...and I had hair!  Keith is one of the smartest guys I know.  He was, almost single handedly, responsible for the successful migration of two different data centers into a single, monster data center.  I had the priviledge of working with him.  And, I learned early on that if Keith is talking, I should shut up and pay attention.  He KNOWS!

It was VERY fun running into him again.  He is a guitar player and has excellent taste in hats.

This is Mike,  I caught him chatting with Keith and someone else as he overheard my blog story.   He just caught my movement with the camera.  So, you can see he's trying REALLY hard to listen to whomever he is chatting with, and he's trying to figure out what I'm up to.  But, he DID say I could use this pic!   Mike, if you want another shot at it, let me know!

Finally, this is Jeanne.  She was representing one of the vendors.  She also overheard part of the blog conversation with Keith and Mike and was trapped!   So, she graciously let me take her photo.  Nice smile!

My thanks to all three of you.

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