Games with the Big B

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Meet Big B. 

I have two children, a daughter and son.  This is B.  The daughter is the Big S.  Although, she doesn't like to be referred to as the Big anything.  B and his lovely wife are the parents of the Big D and the Big H.

B is the creative, mischevious sort.  When he was in JH and HS, he and his friends invented a game called Ping Pong Pelt.   In short, a game of table tennis was played to a winning score of 3.  The loser had to lift up his shirt (yes...all guys) and put it over his head so he couldn't see.  The winning player could then SLAM the ping pong ball from across to table into the losing players body.  The shirt was to protect the face.  The objective was to leave a welt from the ball hitting the skin.

It was a hilarious game.  Well, the sound effects were hilarious.  There were many nights I heard a "smack" followed immediately by an "OOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" and screams of laughter. 

The conclusion of the game always invovled showing off the welts and more laughter.'s a guy thing.

Here's his new game.

Thanks B!

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