Vendors and Peers Continued: Doofus

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One of the other people I had the opportunity to run into at the vendor "happy hour/bar food" event on Thursday was Scott.  I've known Scott since about 2008 where we cross paths, and had a chance to get more acquainted, at the RSA Conference.

I like Scott.  Nice guy.  Polite.   Intelligent.  Sense of sublte humor.  And, a SU (that's Spousal Unit) who has named him Doofus. 

So, at the event, as I dragged out the camera and we chatted about the blog, he told me about his YouTube videos and the reason his wife named him Doofus.   I promised not to tell.  So, here goes.

First, Scott picked up a Flip video camera.  
Second, Scott did what anyone with such a camera would do, he took videos.  He took videos of the dogs (really a cute puppy, I might add), chipmunks, birds, and even fireworks. 
Third, he created a YouTube series of his videos. 
Fourth, his wife named him Doofus.

Now, I can't be sure that the name Doofus was formed BEFORE the Flip video camera.  This could be YEARS in the making.   But, according to Doofus, ahhh...Scott, that was the moment.

At any rate, meet Doofus and his wonderful collection of videos!  He knows now, of course, that in all future professional meetings, he will be known as Doofus.  EXCELLENT!

Thanks Scott!!!   And, make sure your SU knows what she has started!
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