Charlie Pitts

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Charlie Pitts was one of the Younger gang.   He survived the failed robbery and 7 minute shoot-out on the streets of Northfield.  However, a posse of rather stubborn Scandinavians soon formed and gave chase.  I hear that Scandinavians can be a bit on the bull-headed side. 

The man-hunt lasted nearly a month.  By this time, Jesse and Frank had separated from Pitts and the three Younger brothers.   Pitts, Bob, Cole, and Jim were traveling on foot.   They were finally cornered in Hanska Slough just southwest of Madelia, MN.   In the ensuring gun fight, Pitts was killed and the Youngers were all wounded and taken into custody. 

Meet Sean (who plays Charlie Pitts), and his entire family!  That cute little lady enjoying Daddy's company is Anibell.

And this little man is Shane.  He looked awesome and was having a wonderful time!

And Mary with one more little one.    I suspect Mary keeps the boys in line in spite of their penchant for playing bandits!

I thought this family was just delightful.  They looked incredible and thoroughly enjoyed participating in the Defeat of Jesse James Days celebration.  

My sincere thanks to you all!
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