One of the Back Three

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The bank robbery was noticed almost instantly by Northfield citizens.  That many men, in fine horses and dusters (long coats which hid their guns) were very unusual.   One of the townspeople tried to force his way into bank but was blocked by one of the gang.  He ran from the bank yelling, "Get your guns boys, they're robbing the bank!" 

Meet Jess! 

He plays one of the three riders who were holding back in the north end of the town. Once the townspeople armed themselves and the shooting started, these three rode into town shooting in the air and adding to the confusion and noise.

Jess was packing three pistols! The shoulder holster is awesome.   If you notice in the first photo, he is right handed.  The gun on the ride side faces the way you would expect.  But, look at the gun in the holster on his left side.  It is set for a cross draw!   Totally awesome!

Thanks Jess!
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