The Rest of the Celebration: Royalty and Tractor Pulls

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No small town can have a celebration without royalty.  I was really impressed.  Each person spoke to the crowd.  They all did great!  I am not sure I could have spoken in front of a few hundred people at that age!  Of course, when I was that age, the world didn't have more than a few hundred people.

If you haven' seen a tractor pull, you are missing out.  The idea is to have tractors, of varying size classifications, compete to see how far they can pull an ever increasing weight.  Of course, smaller tractors get smaller drivers.   I didn't stick around for the BIG tractors.  But, they are deafening!

I believe the announcer stated that this was this little man's FIRST tractor pull competition. I LOVED his concentration.   Above he is getting advice from dad and grandpa!

This was a wonderful celebration and I strongly recommend it.  Check out the Defeat of Jesse James Days in Northfield next year!
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