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On my wanderings through the fair, I stopped in the Horticulture building.   The very first booth I visited was selling  pentatonic scale metal wind chimes.  I really like these and stopped to chat with......BECKY!

Meet Becky!

She had an infectious smile and a very awesome hat!  What is cool about these chimes is that they are hand made locally by 2 people.  I LOVED the four deep base chimes.   Check them out here

When I asked her whether I could take her photograph, she smiled and said, "of course".   And, without any prompting at all, moved to exactly the right pose.   I mentioned that she knew what to do and she told me a little story.  I won't repeat the story here.  But, Becky, GOOD FOR YOU!

When I asked what I could say about her, she replied that is is, "Amazing.  The Lady of Perpetual Astonishment!"

I LIKED that!  Well said!

Thanks Becky!  And, the story is safe with me!
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