Portraits Class

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The Twin Cities has a very active group of photographers.  There are at least 4 or 5 groups that get together regularly.  One of the groups has a large building with several small bays that photographers can use.  They come with various lights and backdrops.

I wanted to take a class and become more familiar with the lights themselves and placement, etc.  So, I joined a small class one evening.  We used one another as models!

Shooting with lights in a controlled environment is very fun, and different!

Meet the model and one of the photographers!

I rather like the photo above.  It is taken without a flash, against a large 4X6 softbox. 

Note the difference in the skin tones with the flash below.    I like the photo below, as well.  But, I think it is a bit too bright.  Nice detail, though!

My sincere thanks to the instructor and all the students in the class who so boldly volunteered to be a subject.  I learned a great deal, met some very fun people, and had a great time!

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